Chiara Valci Mazzara

Chiara Valci Mazzara, Ph. @ Markus Rack

Chiara Alexandra Vittoria  Valci Mazzara is an independent curator, exhibition producer, author and writer originally from Rome (IT), based in Berlin, (DE).

Chiara curates, produces and  writes for artists, galleries, institutions, foundations and biennials in Europe,  East Asia and Oceania.

.She curates for Kunstverein am Rosa Luxemburg Platz, Berlin, (DE), where – besides developing and co-/curating various exhibition projects and installations – she currently works as researcher for the project SPACEX Spatial Practices in Art and Architecture for Empathetic Exchange,  A Marie Sklodowska – Curie Research,  Innovation and Exchange Action,  funded by the European Commission and developed across eight countries  through the work of  twelve research institutes and seventeen art institutions.

.She is Resident Curator at Fondazione Morra, Naples, (IT). Where she curates exhibitions for the foundation and museum, presenting international and national contemporary artistic positions.

.She is International Artistic Director for K.P. Art Centre, Seoul, (KR). Where she develops the international program curating and organising shows of international artist working with the media of photography.

Chiara worked majorly, throughout her career, in the frame of the Avant Garde artistic tendencies, focusing particularly on body art, conceptual art, performance art , Arte Povera and contemporary photography. 

In her research, she engages with the explorations of installation art site-specifity, temporality, concept, interaction, process and execution and with the research on contemporary conceptual artistic expressions. Her focus is on gestural and performative actions which determine or connote spatial installations, the  focal point being their socio-anthropological axis and entanglements. In addition, her research revolves around  artistic  expressions which investigate – or happen  – as the conscious results or unforeseen symptom of  human behavioural patterns and social heritages or as the reverberation of inner elaboration/s of collective memory communication  and its conveyance forms. Ultimately, Chiara explores how societal paradigms, socio-political complexities with the ways hereto human interactions, expressions,  facts and artefacts manifest, articulate, coexist or hybridize, with or without hierarchical distinction or fixed determination.

Chiara has worked with many private and public institutions, biennials, museums and foundations, including:

Hermann Nitsch Museum in Naples (IT) and Vienna (AT),  Quadriennale di Roma and Palazzo delle Esposizioni Roma (Rome, IT),   Fondazione Morra, Naples (IT), Archivio Casa Morra, Naples (IT),  Shozo Shimamoto Foundation, Naples (IT) and Reggio Emilia (IT),  DSL Collection Paris (FR),  Markus Gell- Museum für Druckgrafik, Rankweil , (AT),  Galerie Papillon Paris, (FR),  WAS Worldwide Apartments and Studio Biennale Berlin, (DE), Andel’s Art, Lødz (PL),  Vadim Zakharov Archive, Berlin  (DE), Free Home, Maria and Vadim Zakharov, Berlin (DE),  Ann Nöel and Emmett Williams Archive, Berlin  (DE), Ann Nöel Studio, Berlin (DE), David Chipperfield Architects Showroom for contemporary art exhibitions, Berlin (DE),  Daegu Arts Center, Daegu City, (KR), Korean Cultural Institute, Berlin (DE), Daegu Photo Biennale, Daegu City (KR), Chang Won Sculpture Biennale, Chang Won, Seoul (KR), Galerie Eigen+Art Leipzig-Berlin (DE),  Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg Platz, Berlin, (DE), Alexander Tutsek Stiftung, Munich (DE), Bangkok Biennale 2022 and 2024 (TH), the Finnish Cultural institute in Berlin (DE) and many others.

Chiara worked and/or presently collaborates with various artists among which: Shozo Shimamoto, Yannis Kounnellis, Hermann Nitsch, Vettor Pisani, Vadim Zakharov, Ann Nöel Williams, Hans Peter Kuhn, Junko Wada, Zhang Huan, Henrik Strömberg, Maurizio Elettrico, Ricarda Roggan, Maya Attoun, Thomas De Falco, Han Chung Shik, SunKwan Kwon, Mia Gourvitch, Woo Chang Won, Gill Gatfield, David Krippendorff and  Daniela Comani among many others.

Her work as curator and writer has been reviewed and her essays published in various monographs, books, catalogues, contemporary art and photography international and national art magazines as well as in various national newspapers such as:

DOC! Photography Magazine (Warshaw, Poland), Oneg Magazine (Milan, Italy),The Sculpture Quarterly Oronsko (Oronsko, Poland), DSL Collection Journal (Paris, France), Photo Dot (Seoul, South Korea), Sajinyesul Photo Art Magazine (Seoul, Korea), Elle Korea (Seoul, South Korea), Harper’s Bazaar (Seoul, South Korea), Middle Plane Magazine (London UK), Artribune (Italy), Il Giornale Dell’Arte (Italy), Art a Part of Culture (Italy), Exibart (Italy); La Repubblica(culture and arts section, Italy), Il Corriere (culture and art section, Italy), Il Mattino (culture and art section, Italy), Il Roma (culture and art section, Italy).