Chiara Valci Mazzara

In the frame of the show Bygones be bygones or: what’s hidden in the snow, will come to light by thaw  by Henrik Strömberg – exhibition which explores the ephemeral existence of humanity in relation to its transient, increasingly collapsing environment, the idea of ‘gains and losses’ and the ephemeral, decadent act of mingling, conversing and linger – a program of performative readings takes place on the stage of a functioning bar counter shelve structure: the “Bygones be Bygones Bar” conceived and realised by the artist for the project. Conversations are initiated through readings of poetry, philosophy and talks: while the ice cubes are melting in the glasses, the talk will be about the same phenomenon at the poles, about viruses and microorganisms, about memory and loss, about borders, loss, memory and much more.

The month of performances and performative readings is curated by Chiara Valci Mazzara.

The first special guest is Jens Soneryd.


Jens Soneryd’s voice-based performance which will explore the relationships between giving-keeping, speech-writing, and intimacy-distance.

Jens Soneryd writes, edits, curates, collects plants, teaches and develops communication strategies. He is based in Bernshammar and Berlin, and is educated in literature and philosophy

The second special guest is K.Yoland, with – upon their invitation – ,  Chang Gao  and Anna Karoline Müller.

Desert Diaries by K. Yoland jumps from location to location and back and forth through time. As a shapeshifting text, it takes the form of travel log, surveillance device, memory bank and teleporter. The diary entries are entered by an outsider who takes a journey through different parts of the Southwest deserts of the United States, meeting land, humans and more-than-humans. The traveller has many roles, including witness, listener, ghost-whisperer, guest and target. Desert Diaries started in 2012 when Yoland first parachuted into the desert. The work shares the often invisible and suppressed stories of migration, poverty, loss, borders and power. In the format of a journey, it weaves through borderlands, public lands and military zones, going off the grid and then into the heady cities that bookend these desert dwellings. 

The performative reading of Desert Diaries by K. Yoland is supported by Berlin based artists Chang Gao and Anna Karoline Müller.

K.Yoland is a transdisciplinary artist examining territoriality and power across large scale terrain, urban planning and international borders. Incorporating performance, video, text, installation and photography, the body or its impact is ever present. Engaging expanded modes of fiction, absurdity and action-interventions, Yoland’s projects have been developed across Europe and the United States. Among Yoland’s most notable exhibitions are Plymouth Biennale (UK), Alabama Contemporary Art Center (Mobile), Ringling Museum (Sarasota), Pulse PLAY (Miami), Lisson Gallery (London), Talley Dunn Gallery (Dallas), Turner Contemporary (Margate), Marfa Contemporary (Marfa), Alan Cristea Gallery (London), CZKD (Serbia), Center for Book Arts (NYC), Novosibirsk State Art Museum (Novosibirsk) and Nederlands Fotomuseum (Rotterdam). Yoland has a Masters from Slade School of Fine Art (UCL) and is currently a PhD Candidate and LAHP scholar at Royal College of Art.

The third special guest is William Cody Maher

A man is looking into his past. Let’s see what he finds there! It’s always nice to know if you don’t have a present you can always have a past…

-William Cody Maher-

William Cody Maher poet, writer and performance artist, lives and works in Berlin. He was born in San Francisco in 1950. From 2001 to 2008 he collaborated with dancer Tony Rizzi as performer and writer in “Judy Was Angry” and “Being Human”. In 2006 he met Carl Weissner who translated his poems and they performed their works together. In 2010 he traveled to America with the photographer Signe Mähler, and they shot the documentary “Down Southern Roads”, a road movie through America’s troubled South. His collaboration with the musician Jochen Seiterle resulted in the CD “Blind Date with Love” (Fixcel Records 2016). Between 1987 and 1998, in Berlin, he performed with the poet Dimitri Prigov and musician Natalia Pschenitschnikowa among many others.

Tha bar is kindly supported by: